Jolifin manicure bowl
for you 7 days a week.
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Jolifin manicure bowl for beautiful and well-groomed fingernails
Jolifin manicure bowl to hold the Jolifin Carbon Colours Remover Caps in place on the nail while the remover is working. The five indentations in the bowl fit the remover-filled finger caps exactly. The hand lies still during application and can be supported on the nail table so that the Carbon Colors UV nail polish can be removed easily and gently.
The Jolifin manicure bowl is of course also suitable for other uses in nail design and should be cleaned after use so that it is hygienically ready for the next time.
helgachristiane Kmetitsch on 23. August 2012 um 11:16
Bewertung von helgachristiane Kmetitsch
ich finde es super u würde es jeden empfelen.